professional quality jean babtiste horn? any good?

professional quality jean babtiste horn? any good?    10:13 on Sunday, May 2, 2010          

(3 points)
Posted by hornforlife

Recently, I was in a sam ash in downtown manhattan, while I was in there I saw a magnificent horn. I asked the salesperson some questions about it and he eventually let me play it. It had a very sweet and light tone quality . I am considering buying it, especially since the horn i'm playing on now is my school's loaner holton which is in atrocious condition. And I really would enjoy next year, when I'm (hopefully) in NYSBDA honor band to be playing on a new horn. So, my question is, is this professional quality jean babtiste horn any good? Addiotional information: List price:$3,300 Selling price (new):$2,000


LOL I misspelled baptiste


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