Need help identifying song

Need help identifying song    01:43 on Wednesday, October 15, 2008          


I've heard this song plenty of times, but I can never remember the lyrics or find out the name or artist. It sounds reggae/Jamaican from what I can tell, and is a bit slow. Can somebody listen to the melody and help me?

c''4 a'4 c''4. b'8 g'4 e'4 b'4. a'8 c''4 a'4 c''4 f'4 f''4 e''4 d''4 c''4

Re: Need help identifying song    01:48 on Wednesday, October 15, 2008          


It's something along the lines of this:

Middle-C down to A back to C down to B down to G down to E back up to B down to A up to C down to A up to C down to F up to F down to E down to D down to C.

All about the same, slow tempo.

If somebody has Sibelius, I can post a file here with the melody.


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