Exact Definition - New Age Music

Exact Definition - New Age Music    11:51 on Monday, March 24, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

That`s my question - what is the exact definition of new age music? All input appreciated..

~robert quiller

Re: Exact Definition - New Age Music    11:22 on Tuesday, April 1, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Anything that was written after the beginning of the `new age`. Now all we have to do is figure out when the new age began!
I would find it very difficult to define new age music in the usual terms of style and form as it is already so diverse, and yet strangely people seem to know when they are listening to new age music - so an exact definition must be possible. And a further question - should we consider certain film soundtracks to be new age music? eg `The Piano` among others.


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