Andrew Rosborough

Andrew Rosborough    07:05 on Wednesday, June 9, 2010          

(1 point)
Posted by Rockero

Remember that movie from the 90´s Bill and Ted, yeah don’t front I know you do, anyway I guess you recall the premise of how these two young guys set out on an adventure and eventually change the future of the human race with the simple power of Rock.

Well perhaps this isn’t as dramatic as all that but one thing of which I am sure is that Andrew Rosborough is about to change things for all of us.

Rosborough´s music is in all fairness pretty hard to categorise, he unquestionably rocks but he also has this real pop sensibility making his songs both really driving and powerful as well as being hook driven and just made for heavy rotation. I cant help but think a little of John Mayer when I hear Andrew in as much as he has this true rock talent but also just enough accessibility to make sure he is going to be a monster.

Bob Dylan once said “There’s a Slow Train Coming” well aint nothing slow about my man Andrew Rosborough but he is coming and that is for sure, and as far as I can see there is nothing that can get in his way.

Hey don’t just take my word for it though, go check out his Myspace and jump onboard that train!


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