Re: Butterfly Lovers Concerto

Re: Butterfly Lovers Concerto    08:00 on Friday, February 27, 2004          
(Christine Ang)
Posted by Archived posts

May i know is there any way i can get butterfly lovers music sheet for guzheng?

Seems like I can`t find guzheng music sheet anywhere at all!

Please email me if there`s any, thanks a lot~

Re: Butterfly Lovers Concerto    20:02 on Saturday, February 28, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

here is some that you can enjoy, it`s very hard to find the actual music note.

this website contain variety of chinese and western musical instrument, play butterfly lovers only.

Re: Butterfly Lovers Concerto    01:46 on Wednesday, March 3, 2004          
(sinful man)
Posted by Archived posts

Hi folks,

Like many of you, I enjoy the classical/concerto pieces of the Butterfly Lovers but I challenge all who have not watched the musical movie by Shaw Brothers of the Butterfly Lovers dated back in the late 60s. Liang was played by impersonator Ivy Ling Po and Zhu was well roled by Le De. Directed by Li Han Hsiang, a very renounced director. This movie was made to compete with rival movie company`s version played by Li Li-Hua and Yan Juen. Shaw`s version was a tremendous success. Li Han Hsiang used a very old chinese music called Huang Mei Tiao to script the entire movie. The words profound, polished and well done, the songs re-arranged to catchy, dramatic tunes that one will never forget. The acting was superb especially Le De`s excellent scenes of sadness and tears. Even if you are a modern person, after watching this movie, you will definitely cry but believe you me, you will keep watching it again and again. It has been re-digited into DVDs and VCDs by a company called Celestial Movies. I like you to watch this very touching movie, because it is much better than any other version of Liang Zhu and you would not regret it except for the last part somehow.

Personally I know that this is a true story but the dead turning into butterfly part is more of a cooked up version which did not actually happen. We chinese tend to be more suspicious when it comes to such dramatic endings hence the butterfly ending was to give the lovers a good finale which I personally do not think it was necessary. The story would have won millions of hearts without this ending. Nevertheless, you watch it. Other chinese opera version are just as good but I have yet to watch a real good one on stage.

I have the piano solo sheet for butterfly lovers    13:34 on Thursday, April 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi people

This is a Chinese student at Bowdoin college.I just visited this forum by coincidence and am excited to see so many people love this music. I have the piano solo sheet for it and it was played by Richard Clayderman in his concerts. I`d love to make a copy and mail it to people up on request. BUT,please mail me a self-addressed envelop with sufficient stamps for me to mail the music back to you.

I don`t think I`d visit this forum often so please contact me via email and I will tell you my address in my email.

Best, Chengsi

Re: Butterfly Lovers Concerto    10:18 on Thursday, April 8, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Where can i get guitar solo sheet music for butterfly lovers `Huadie`?


The Butterfly Lovers Concerto    22:46 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004          
(Kal Chu)
Posted by Archived posts

I know there is an arrangement of the Butterfly Lovers Concerto for String Quartet. I`ve seen a performance of it live 15 years ago. Do anyone know where I can obtain a copy of the quartet score?

Re: Butterfly Lovers Concerto    17:37 on Thursday, April 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I bought book that has the whole verson. It also includes both piano and violin version. While I was in high skool, I loved to play it.. just email me for more detail take care

butterfly lovers    14:51 on Monday, May 24, 2004          
(johnny woo)
Posted by Archived posts

if you bought from johnson strings, does anyone know if the violin part is printed on the same pages as the piano parts because i just want the violin part alone

Individual parts for LiangZhu 演奏譜    10:46 on Sunday, May 22, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i`m a high school student of Toronto. me and my friends are wishing to play liangzhu for the school, but we`ve only managed the first part (bout 4:50 long) because the score i got didn`t come with individual parts. Therefor, it was very very had to practice and read the notes. if u know of anywhere that u can get the individual parts, please contact me via email. thx

Re: Butterfly Lovers Concerto    23:16 on Friday, February 17, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by musicnut

hey...if any1 can find a copy of "butterfly lover`s concerto" can you please email me a copy. My email is,


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