Newsidler, Hans - Biography

Newsidler, Hans Biography

Hans Newsidler (also Neusiedler)

b.1508, Bratislava d.1563, Nuremberg

German lutenist, lived in Nürnberg from 1530 and published there, between 1536 and 1549, eight books of tablatures for lute that establish him as an important rerpresentative of the German school of lute music in the first part of the 16th century. His publications include instructions on playing as well as theoretical information. His compositions represent all the genres employed by lutenists of the period: German, Italian and French dances, ricercari, and transcriptions of polyphonic vocal music. As well as reproducing much foreign music (Alexandre Agricola, Johannes Ghiselin-Verbonnet, Josquin des Prés), he did not neglect German authors like Paul Hofhaimer, Heinrich Isaac, Ludwig Senfl or Thomas Stoltzer.
His son Melchior was also a celebrated lutenist.

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