Chick Corea Licks and Riffs

1-8 of 8 Chick Corea Licks and Riffs

Type ArtistTitle Level
Chick Corea Chick Corea-style 4 notes licks Intermediate Level
Chick Corea Chick Corea-style Chick Corea II-V-I comping Intermediate Level
Chick Corea Chick Corea-style two hands phrasing Intermediate Level
Chick Corea Chick Corea-style Repeating phrases Intermediate Level
Chick Corea Chick Corea-style Percussive licks Intermediate Level
Chick Corea Chick Corea-style Chick Corea 'narrow' chords Intermediate Level
Chick Corea Chick Corea-style intervallic lick Intermediate Level
Chick Corea Chick Corea-style shifting rhythm phrase Intermediate Level

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