Folk Songs from Digital Tradition - letter m
- M'Ginty's Meal and Ale
- Ma Baker's Little Acre
- MacPherson's Lament
- Mad Moll
- Mad Robin (Love Me Little, Love me Long)
- Madam, Will You Walk?
- Maggie Lauder
- Maggie May
- Maid Freed From Gallows
- Maid Gaed Tae The Mill
- Maid on the Shore (2)
- Maids When You're Young
- Mairi's Wedding
- Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor
- Make New Friends
- Make New Friends (Round)
- Making Whoopie
- Mally's Meek
- Man of Constant Sorrow
- Man Who Broke the Bank At Monte Carlo
- Man with the Microphone
- Man-o-War Sailor
- Manassa Junction
- Mango Walk
- Many a Man Been Murdered in Luzon
- Many T'ousand Gone
- Marching Through Georgia]
- Marco Polo
- Marnie, Come Fare Away
- Married and Single Life
- Married and Single Life
- Martin Said To His Man
- Martinmas Time
- Marvelous Toy
- Mary Ann
- Mary Golden Tree
- Mary Had a Baby
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (2)
- Mary Hamilton
- Mary Mack
- Mary Mild
- Mary Morison
- Mary Nail
- Mary On the Wild Moor
- Mary on the Wild Moor (Wind blew across
- Maryland, My Maryland
- Mason's Apron
- Master McGrath
- Matt Hyland
- Mattie Groves
- Maurice Kelly
- May Day Carol
- May Irwin's "Frog" Song
- Mayn Rue-Platz
- McAfee's Confession
- McAlpine's Fusiliers
- McCarthy's Widow
- McCassery
- McCollister
- McPherson's Farewell
- Meadowlands
- Meagher's Children
- Meet Me by the Moonlight
- Meg Drummond
- Men of Harlech
- Mercedes Benz
- Merry May the Maid Be
- Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
- Michie Bainjo
- Mickey Mouse Theme
- Mighty Mississippi
- Mill o' Tifty's Annie
- Miner's Child's Dream
- Miner's Doom
- Miner's Lifegard
- Mingulay Boat Song
- Mining Camp Blues
- Mining Camp Blues
- Mining Camp Blues (2)
- Mining Camp Blues (2)
- Miss Lucy Loo
- Miss Smith
- Mister Bach
- Mister Frog Went A-Courtin'
- Misty, Moisty Morning
- Mobile Bay
- Mockin' Bird Hill
- Molecatcher
- Molly Ban
- Molly Bawn and Brian Og
- Molly Brannigan
- Monto
- Morrisey and the Russian Sailor (2)
- Morrisey and the Russion Sailor
- Moscow Nights
- Mother Is the Battle Over?
- Mother, Is the Battle Over
- Mother, Make My Bed Soon
- Mount and Go
- Mountain Dew
- Mountain Meadows Massacre
- Moving Day
- Moving On
- Mr. Fox
- Mrs. McGrath
- Mrs. Murphy's Chowder (overalls)
- Mrs. Murphys Chowder
- Muff Lawler, the Squealer
- Mule on the Mount
- Murdered by a Brother
- Mursheen Durkin
- Mush, Mush, Mush Too-Ri-Li-Ady
- Music, Sweet Music
- Musing on the Roaring Ocean
- Mussels in the Corner
- Mustang Gray
- My Ain Folk
- My Blue-Eyed Jane
- My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
- My Bonnie Wee Hen
- My Bonny, Bonny Boy
- My Boy Billy
- My Boy Billy
- My Boy Billy
- My Boy Billy
- My boy Billy
- My boy Tammy
- My Boy Tommy, O!
- My Boy Willy
- My Boy, Billy Boy
- My Brother Sylveste
- My Children Are Laughing
- My Clinch Mountain Home
- My Dame Had a Lame Tame Crane
- My Dancing Day
- My Dirty Stream
- My Dog's Bigger Than Your Dog
- My Donald
- My Father's Old Sou'wester
- My Father, How Long?
- My Gal is a High Born Lady
- My Gal's a Corker
- My Good Old Man
- My Good-Looking Man
- My Grandfather's Clock
- My Heart's in the Highlands
- My Husband Got No Courage In Him
- My Irish Molly-O
- My Irish Molly-o
- My Laddie Sits Ower Late Up
- My Last Farewell to Sterling
- My Last Ol' Dollar
- My Little Bimbo
- My Love is Like a Dewdrop
- My Love She's But a Lassie Yet
- My Mother Chose My Husband
- My Name is Morgan (but it ain't J.P)
- My Oklahoma Home, It Blowed Away
- My Peggy's Face
- My Singing Bird
- My Sweetheart's the Mule in the Mine
- My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing
