Folk Songs from Digital Tradition - letter r
- Raggedy-Ass Marines
- Ragtime Cowboy Joe
- Ragtime Suffragette
- Railroad Bill
- Railroad Bill and the Kitten
- Railroad Engineer's Child
- Railroading on the Great Divide
- Rake and Rambling Boy
- Ramble, My Son
- Rambleaway
- Rambleaway
- Rambling Boy
- Rambling Boys of Pleasure
- Rambling Irishman
- Ramsey County Jail
- Randy Dandy, O!
- Ranger's Command
- Ranzo Ray
- Rap 'Er Te Bank
- Raptptap
- Raspberry Lane
- Ratcliffe Highway
- Ratcliffe Highway
- Rattle on the Stovepipe
- Rattlin, Roarin' Willie
- Raving Winds
- Rawtenstall Annual Fair
- Red Apple Juice
- Red River Valley
- Red Rosy Bush
- Red the Rose and White Lily
- Red-Haired Mary
- Red-Haired Mary
- Redio-Tedio
- Reedy Lagoon
- Reilly's Daughter
- Reilly's Daughter
- Remeber, Sinful Youth
- Remember the Alamo
- Renaldine
- Reuben and Rachel
- Revolutionary Tea
- Reynard The Fox (2)
- Reynardine (All on the mountain high)
- Richie's Lady
- Richmond is a Hard Road to Travel
- Richmond on the James
- Riddles Wisely Expounded (Bonnie Broom)
- Rigs O' Rye
- Riley's Trial
- Ringy Dang Doo
- Rio Grande
- Risselty Rosselty
- Road to Gundagai
- Road to the Isles
- Robbie Tampson's Smitty
- Robin Good-fellow
- Robin Hood and Little John
- Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford
- Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford
- Robin Hood and the Tanner
- Robin Shure in Hairst
- Rock Island Line (is a mighty good road)
- Rock of Ages
- Rock Road to Dublin
- Rock Road to Dublin
- Rocky Top
- Rody McCorley (2)
- Rogue's March
- Roll Down the Line
- Roll Down the Line
- Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms
- Roll On John
- Roll On the Ground
- Roll the Cotton Down
- Roll the Cotton Down
- Roll the Old Chariot
- Roll the Union On
- Roll the Woodpile Down
- Roll, Alabama, Roll
- Roll, Alabama, Roll
- Rolling Down to Old Maui
- Rolling Down to Old Mohee
- Rolling Hills of the Border
- Rolling Home
- Rolling Home
- Rolling in the Dew
- Rolling in the Dew
- Room For Company
- Root Hog Or Die
- Root Hog or Die 5
- Rory O'More
- Rose and Crown
- Rose, Rose, Rose
- Rosebud In June
- Rosemary Lane
- Roseville Fair
- Rosie Jane
- Rosin the Beau
- Rough and Rocky
- Round Cape Horn
- Round the Bay of Mexico
- Round the Corner
- Rounding the Horn
- Row, Row, Row your Boat
- Royal Oak
- Rue and Thyme
- Run Come See Jerusalem
- Rye Whisky
