Me : Piece in D Minor for 2 fllutes and piano

Piece in D Minor for 2 fllutes and piano by Me
for Flute Duet 
 14 votes,   Average: 3.43   Plays: 17982

This is my second try at something for 2 flutes and piano. I really like the sound of pieces in D Minor. Interesting how I got started on this one: I was doing math homework at school, and I was bored, so I wrote a 4 measure phrase in D Minor (just 2 flutes), and I decided that I'd put it in the computer at home and make a piano part for it. As always, let me know what you think! :) Thanks! :)

Add to favorites Posted 16 years ago

Recent comments on this piece

4 comments on this file  Post comment
i love it actually i was inspired by this but used 3 flutes a piano and vocals to *pass my music class
12 years ago

i think its pretty good! you created this yourself right?

p.s. to the person that said "boring" you are listening too subjectivly, music doesnt always have to be at 120 in cut time lol
12 years ago

ok. o well
I think it's kinda boring too. I might work on it later if I choose.

Thanks for commenting
16 years ago

sorry, i don't like it... is borring... sorry
16 years ago

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