Beginner Flute Lesson 8 : Playing your first note (part 2)

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A fingering chart really nothing more than a picture of which keys you close and which keys remain open when you play a note. In this case, the keys that are colored in red are the ones you will close. Though different fingering charts have a different look to them, they all use the same idea of showing a picture of which keys you close.

The "A" looks like this:

The first two signs show you how the note will look on the staff. By looking at the fingering chart, you will see that to play the "A" you need to close the first two fingers and thumb of your left hand and the pinky on your right hand (note: The pinky on your right hand is used on almost every note - mostly because it helps to hold the instrument). Give this a try while sitting up in your chair with the flute raised and in playing position.

Beginners Flute Lessons

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