David Bruce - Thumping Blues
Free Sheet music for Piano

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About 'Thumping Blues'

The Artist:
David Bruce has a growing reputation as a composer, with commissions from Carnegie Hall, the San Diego Symphony and the Royal Opera House, London. He also happens to run Red Balloon Technology Ltd, the company behind 8notes.com. He has written a number of pieces for beginners in a jazz and blues styles, which appear on the site.
Tempo Marking:
Score Key:
C major (Sounding Pitch) (View more C major Music for Piano )
Time Signature:
4/4 (View more 4/4 Music)
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Piano  (View more Easy Piano Music)
Jazz (View more Jazz Piano Music)
© Copyright 2000-2024 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (8notes.com)
This piece is included in the following :
Piano pieces in C major
Piano pieces in C major
Pieces in 4-4 Time Signature
Pieces in 4-4 Time Signature

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