In the Ending of the Year
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About 'In the Ending of the Year'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

In the ending of the year
Light and life to man appear:
And the Holy Babe is here
By the Virgin Mary.
For the Holy Babe is here
By the Virgin Mary.

What in ancient days was slain,
This day calls to life again:
God is coming here to reign
By the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

Adam ate the fruit and died:
But the curse that did betide
All his sons is turned aside
By the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

Noe shut the Ark of old,
When the Flood came, as is told:
Us its doors to-day enfold1
By the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

Every creature of the plain
Owed the guileful serpent's reign:
He this happy day is slain
By the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

'Twas the Star the Sun that bore,2
Which Salvation should restore;
But pollution ne'er the more
Touched the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

And they circumcise the Lord,
And His Blood for us is poured:
Thus Salvation is restored
By the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

In a manger is He laid:
Ox and Ass their worship paid:
Over Him her veil is spread
By the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

And the Heavenly Angels' tongue
Glory in the Highest sung:
And the shepherds o'er Him hung
With the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

Joseph watches o'er His rest:
Cold and sorrow Him infest:
He, an hungered, seeks the breast
Of the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.

Wherefore let our choir to-day
Banish sorrow far away,
Singing and exulting aye
With the Virgin Mary.
For the Word becometh Flesh
By the Virgin Mary.
Tempo Marking:
Time Signature:
4/4 (View more 4/4 Music)
Score Key:
D minor (Sounding Pitch) (View more D minor Music for Bassoon )
Number of Pages:
Beginners Level: Recommended for Beginners
© Copyright 2000-2024 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (
This piece is included in the following :
Pieces in 4-4 Time Signature
Pieces in 4-4 Time Signature

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