Were you there when they crucified my Lord
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About 'Were you there when they crucified my Lord'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.
American Spiritual, likely composed by African-American slaves in the 19th century


Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (Were you there?)
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
O Sometimes it causes me to tremble! tremble! tremble!
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Were you there when they nail'd him to the cross? (Were you there?)
Were you there when they nail'd him to the cross?
O Sometimes it causes me to tremble! tremble! tremble!
Were you there when they nail'd him to the cross?

Were you there when they pierced him in the side? (Were you there?)
Were you there when they pierced him in the side?
O Sometimes it causes me to tremble! tremble! tremble!
Were you there when they pierced him in the side?

Were you there when the sun refused to shine? (Were you there?)
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
O Sometimes it causes me to tremble! tremble! tremble!
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
Time Signature:
4/4 (View more 4/4 Music)
Score Key:
F major (Sounding Pitch) (View more F major Music for Piano )
Tempo Marking:
Andante = c.98
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Piano  (View more Easy Piano Music)
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