Leoncavallo, Ruggero - No! Pagliaccio no son from Pagliacci
Free Sheet music for Trombone

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About 'No! Pagliaccio no son from Pagliacci'

No! Pagliaccio non son;
se il viso è pallido,
è di vergogna, e smania di vendetta!
L'uom riprende i suoi dritti,
e'l cor che sanguina vuol sangue
a lavar l'onta, o maledetta!
No, Pagliaccio non son!
Son quei che stolido
ti raccolse orfanella in su la via
quasi morta di fame,
e un nome offriati,
ed un amor ch'era febbre e follia!
Cade come affranto sulla seggiola.

Sperai, tanto il delirio accecato m'aveva,
se non amor, pietà... mercé!
Ed ogni sacrifizio al cor lieto, imponeva,
e fidente credeva
più che in Dio stesso, in te!
Ma il vizio alberga sol ne l'alma tua negletta;
tu viscere non hai... sol legge e'l senso a te!
Va, non merti il mio duol,
o meretrice abbietta,
vo' ne lo sprezzo mio
schiacciarti sotto i piè!!

No, I am Pagliaccio no longer:
If my face is white, it is with shame
and the longing for revenge!
My manhood claims its rights again,
and my bleeding heart
needs blood to wash away the shame,
o vile woman! …
No, I am a buffoon no longer!…
I was a fool to pick you up,
an orphan, by the roadside,
half dead from hunger,
and offer you a name and a love
which was mad and passionate!

I hoped, such was
the blind madness I felt,
if not for love, for pity kindness!
And cheerfully I imposed
every sacrifice on my heart,
and trustingly believed more in you
than in God himself!
But only vice inhabited
your heedless soul;
you have no heart …
you are ruled only by your passions.
Go, you are not worth my grief,
you worthless wretch;
in my contempt I could
crush you beneath my feet!
Time Signature:
4/4 (View more 4/4 Music)
Score Key:
Bb minor (Sounding Pitch) (View more Bb minor Music for Trombone )
Tempo Marking:
Allegro moderato (=144) (View more music marked Allegro)
Number of Pages:
Intermediate Level: Recommended for Intermediate Level players
© Copyright 2000-2024 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (8notes.com)
This piece is included in the following :
Pieces in 4-4 Time Signature
Pieces in 4-4 Time Signature
Free Italian Sheet Music

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