Ca' the Ewes
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Ca' the Ewes

Ca' the Ewes tae the Knowes

Ca' the ewes tae the knowes
Ca' them where the heather grows
Ca' them where the burnie rowes
My bonnie dearie

Hark a mavis evening song
Soundin' Cluden's woods amang
Then a foldin' let us gang
My bonnie dearie

We'll gae doon by Cludenside
Through the hazels spreading wide
All the ways that sweetly glide
To the moon sae clearly

Doon the Cluden silent hours
All in moonshine midnight hours
All the dewy buddin' flowers
The fairies dance so cheery

Ghaist nor boggle shall thou fear
Thou art to love Heaven so dear
Naught of ill shall come you near
My bonnie dearie

Fair and lovely as thou art
Thou hast stolen my very heart
I can die but canna part
Wi' my bonnie dearie

attributed to Burns (but so is the other Ca ewes)
printed in Rise up Singing
recorded by Gorden Bok (Verve) and Lou Killen (New songs)

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About 'Ca' the Ewes'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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