Can't Ye Hilo?
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Can't Ye Hilo?

Can't Ye Hilo?

Young gals love to dance wi' Jack
Young gals, can't ye Hilo?
I have always had me whack
Young gals can't ye Hilo?

Young gals, good gals, bad gals, O
I will take them all in tow.

Love 'em all both old and young
Thin gals, fat gals let 'em all come.

When I was a young man in me prime
I chased them coloured gals all the time

Dance, gals, dance, till the break of day
Let's all dance our cares away.

High brown, dark brown, yeller gals, O!
Lets all go on a big Hilo.

Young gals, young gals, young gals, O!
Rouse 'er up and let's Hilo.

From Shanties From the Seven Seas, Hugill

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About 'Can't Ye Hilo?'

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Traditional Music of unknown author.

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