Cape Ann
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Cape Ann

Cape Anne
(Gordon Bok)

cho: Don't you remember Cape Anne, boys
Don't you remember Cape Anne.
You'll never catch me on the trawl again
For it's surely no life for a dog or a man.

You can pass your days on the dory boat
You can go with the worst and the best
But don't ever sail with old Ingleman
Each trip you go on may well be your last.

Don't you remember Cape Anne, boys
Don't you remember Cape Anne
The crazy old drunk was a loser boys
He never cared if we never came in.

Don't you remember the shore, boys
Don't you remember the shore
And the old man asleep at the wheel, boys
My God! It was black as coal.

Well the mate was the one with the gall
He got the old man away from the wheel
And he took him below and he locked up the hatch
And he threw all the booze o'er the rail.

Copyright Folk Legacy Records, 1977

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About 'Cape Ann'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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