Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines

Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines

I'm Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
I feed my horse on corn and beans,
And sport young ladies in their teens
Tho' a Captain in the Army.
I teach the ladies how to dance
How to dance, how to dance
I teach the ladies how to dance
For I'm the pet of the Army

cho: I'm Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
I feed my horse on corn and beans,
And often live beyond my means
Tho' a Captain in the Army.

I joined the Corps when twenty-one
Of course I thought it capital fun
When the enemy comes, of course I run
For I'm not cut out for the Army.
When I left home, mamma she cried
Mamma she cried, mamma she cried,
When I left home, mamma she cried,
"He's not cut out for the Army."

The first time I went out for drill
The bugler sounding made me ill
Of the battlefield I'd had my fill
For I'm not cut out for the Army,
The officers, they all did shout
They all did shout, they all did shout,
The officers, they all did shout,
"Why, kick him out of the Army!"

Note: An English music hall number that was very popular in the
U.S. around the turn of the (last) century: It survives chiefly
as a singing square dance call. RG

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About 'Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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