Captain Thompson
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Captain Thompson

Captain Thompson

My mind being much inclined to cross the raging main,
I left my tender parents in sorrow grief and pain,
On board the Fame we thus became all passengers to be
Along with Captain Thompson to the land of liberty.

As we were safely sailing to a place called Newfoundland
The wind arose ahead of us, and our ship was at a stand.
"All hands aloft," bold Thompson cries, "or we'll be cast away.
All firmly stand or we ne'er shall land in the North of Amerikay."

A mount of ice came moving down anear our gallant main
But the Lord of Mercy He was kind, and our lives He did maintain
Our gallant sailors hauled about and so our ship did save
Or we were doomed to be entombed in a doleful watery grave.

When we were fairly landed our faint hearts did renew;
But how could I sleep easy, dear Erin, far from you?
I hope the time will come again when our comrades all we'll see
And once more we'll live together in love and unity.

From Irish Songs of the Sea, Healy

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About 'Captain Thompson'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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