Coal Mountain Blues
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Coal Mountain Blues

Coal Mountain Blues
(Sonny Scott)

Oh, I went on Coal Mountain, saw the men pullin' coals from the mine;
Lord, I went on Coal Mountain, saw the men pullin' coals from the mine;
I saw the men wearin' their mine lamps where all the lights did shine.

Lord, I went to the mine foreman, told him I need a job mighty bad,
Lord, I went to the mine foreman, told him I need a job mighty bad,
But he said, You have to go up to de doctor, and, boy, you sure won't pass.

Lord, I left that mining section, went towar' a seashore town,
Lord, I left that mining section, went towar' a seashore town,
I believe I've got the TB, I'm gonna jump overboard and drown.

Lord, I've seen a seagull flying, baby, over my wat'ry grave,
Lord, I've seen a seagull flying, baby, over my wat'ry grave,
And it seemed to say that you goin' away to stay.

from Only a Miner, Green

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About 'Coal Mountain Blues'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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