Coal Black Rose
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Coal Black Rose

Coal Black Rose

Oh, me Rosie, coal black rose
Don't ye hear the banjo
On, me Rosie, Coal Black Rose!

Oh, me Rosie, coal blaek Rose,
Strung up like a banjo,
Allu taut an' long,
On, me Rosie, Coal Black Rose!

Oh, me Rosie, coal black Rose,
The yard is now a-movin',
Hauley-hauley ho!
On, me Rosie, Coal Black Rose!

The Mate be comes around, boys,
Dinging an'a dang.
Hauley-hauley ho!
On, me Rosie, Coal Black Rose!

Give her one more pull, boys,
Rock an' roll' er high.
Hauley-hauley ho!
On, me Rosie, Coal Black Rose!

From Shanties from the Seven Seas, Hugill

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About 'Coal Black Rose'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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