Come Day, Go Day
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Come Day, Go Day

Whiskey on a Sunday or Come Day, Go Day
(Glyn Hughes)

Come day, go day
Wish in my heart it were Sunday
Drinking buttermilk thru the week
Whiskey on a Sunday

He sits in the corner of Bevvington Bush
On top of an old packing case
he has three wooden dolls that can dance and can sing
And he croons with a smile on his face

His tired old hands tug away at the strings
And the puppets dance up and down
A far better show than you ever would see
In the fanciest theatre in town

And sad to relate that old Seth Davy died
In 1904
The three wooden doll in the dustbin were laid
His song will be heard nevermore

But some stormy night when you're passing that way
And the wind's blowing up from the sea
You'll still hear the song of old Seth Davy
As he croons to his dancing dolls three

Recorded by Irish Rovers

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About 'Come Day, Go Day'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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