Copper Kettle
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Copper Kettle

Copper Kettle
(Frank Beddoe)

Get you a copper kettle
Get you a copper coil
Fill it with new made cornmash
And never more you'll toil

You'll just lay there by the juniper
While the moon is bright
Watch the jugs a filling
In the pale moon light

Build your fire with hickory
Hickory, ash, and oak
Don't use no green or rotten wood
They'll catch you by the smoke

My daddy, he made whiskey
And my granddaddy did too
We ain't paid no whiskey tax
Since seventeen ninety two

Written in 1953 for a folk opera, "Go Lightly, Stranger"
Copyright TRO
Recorded by Baez

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About 'Copper Kettle'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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