Counting the Goats (Cyfri'r Giefr)
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Counting the Goats (Cyfri'r Giefr)

Counting the Goats (Cyfri'R Giefr)
(English translation by William Cole and Peter John Stephens)

Ois gahv-ret-to ois heb by godro Where is the goat? It's time for milking

Ahr uh craig-yi girewon Off among the craggy rocks

My-ur hay nov run croo'ee-dro. The old goat is wand'ring.

Gahv-ruh wen, wen, wen Goat white, white, white
Ee-uh vin-wen, vin-wen, vin-wen, With her lip white, lip white, lip white
Voil gun fon-wen, voil gun fon-wen With her tail white, with her tail white
Ust-lis wen uh chon-fon, With her tail and flank white,
Wen, wen, wen. Goat, goat, goat.
(faster) (faster)
Gahv-ruh wen, wen, wen Goat white, white, white

Ee-uh vin-wen, vin-wen, vin-wen, With her lip white, lip white, lip white

Voil gun fon-wen, voil gun fon-wen With her tail white, with her tail white

Ust-lis wen uh chon-fon, With her tail and flank white,

Wen, wen, wen. White, white white.

Next verse: Next verse:

Gahv-ruh thee, etc. Goat black etc.

Next verse: Next verse:
Gahv-ruh goch, etc. Goat red, etc.

Next verse: Next verse:

Gahv-ruh lahs, etc. Goat blue, etc.

note: A tongue-twister. On the faster repeats of the chorus, follow with all
the preceding colors, like Old Macdonald.
@Welsh @animal
Recorded by John Charles Thomas


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About 'Counting the Goats (Cyfri'r Giefr)'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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