Crossbone Skully
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Crossbone Skully

Crossbone Skully
(Words, Aunt Molly Jackson)

As I went walking down Peacock Street,
No clothes on my back, no shoes on my feet,
I was hungry and cold, it was late in the fall
I knocked down some old big shot, took his clothes, money and all.

cho: O tell me how long must I wait for a job?
I don't like to steal, I don't like to rob.
(Repeat after each verse.)

When I took everything this old bigshot had,
They called me a robber, yes, they called me bad.
They called me a robber, yes, they called me bad,
Because misery and starvation drove me mad.

They locked me up for a year and a day,
For taking that old big shot's money away.
Now they turned me out about an hour ago
To walk the streets in the rain and in the snow.

No clothes on my back, no food to eat.
Now a man can't live just walkin' the street
I'd no money for roomrent, no place to sleep,
Now a man can't live by just walking the street.

Now, a man can't live by just walking the street,
I'll be sorry to my heart if I have to repeat.
If I knocked down some old big shot and take all his kale,
Then they'll put me back in that lousy jail.

From Hard Hitting Songs, Guthrie et al.
tune: Cumberland Gap

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About 'Crossbone Skully'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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