Crystal Chandeliers
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Crystal Chandeliers

Crystal Chandeliers
(Ted Harris)

I never did fit in too well with folks you knew,
It was plain to see that the likes of me didn't fit with you;
So you traded me for the gaiety of the well-to-do
And turned away from the love I offered you.

cho: The crystal chandeliers light up the paintings on your wall
The marble statuettes are standing stately in the hall,
But will the timely crowd that has you laughing loud
Help to dry your tears?
When the new wears off of your crystal chandeliers.

I see your picture in the news 'most every day,
You're the chosen girl of the social world, so the stories say.
But a paper smile only lasts awhile, then it fades away
And the love we knew will come home to you some day.

copyright 1965 Harbot Music

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About 'Crystal Chandeliers'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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