Cuckoo is a Pretty Bird
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Cuckoo is a Pretty Bird

Cuckoo She's a Pretty Bird

The cuckoo she's a pretty bird
She sings as she flies
She brings us glad tidings
And tells us no lies

She sucks all sweet flowers
To make her voice clear
She never sings cuckoo
Till summer is near

She flies the hills over
She flies the world about
She flies back to the mountain
She mourns for her love

The cuckoo she's a pretty bird
She sings as she flies
She brings us glad tidings
And tells us no lies

recorded by Edna Ritchie, Jean Ritchie, Joan Baez, etc
tune from Sharp, English Folk Songs

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About 'Cuckoo is a Pretty Bird'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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