Mister Frog Went A-Courtin'
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Mister Frog Went A-Courtin'

Mister Frog Went a-Courting

Mister frog went a-courting and he did ride
Uh-hmm, Uh-hmm
Mister frog went a-courting and he did ride
A sword and pistol by his side
Uh-hmm, Uh-hmm.

He went down to Missy Mousie's door
Where he had often been before.

He said, "Missy Mouse, are you within?"
"Yes kind sir, I sit and spin."

He took Missy Mouse upon his knee
And said "Missy Mouse, will you marry me?"

"Without my Uncle Rat's consent"
"I wouldn't marry the pres-I-dent."

Uncle Rat laughed and shook his fat sides,
To think his niece would be a bride.

When Uncle Rat gave his consent
The weasel wrote the publishment.

Where will the wedding supper be?
Way down yonder in a holler tree.

What will the wedding supper be?
Two green beans and a black-eyed pea.

The first guest in was a bumblebee
He danced a jig with a crook-backed flea.

The owl did hoot, the birds they sang
And through the woods the music rang.

They all went sailing 'cross the lake
And got swallered up by a big black snake

There's bread and cheese upon the shelf
If you want any more you can sing it yourself.

Recorded (in more or less this form) by Burl Ives
DT #306

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About 'Mister Frog Went A-Courtin''

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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