Gypsy Rover
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Gypsy Rover

Gypsy Rover
(Leo Maguire)

1. The gypsy rover came over the hill
Down through the valley so shady,
He whistled and he sang 'til the greenwoods rang,
And he won the heart of a lady.

Ah-de-do, ah-de-do-da-day,
Ah-de-do, ah-de-da-ay
He whistled and he sang 'til the greenwoods rang,
And he won the heart of a lady.

2. She left her father's castle gates
She left her own fine lover
She left her servants and her state
To follow the gypsy rover.

3. Her father saddled up his fastest steed
And roamed the valleys all over
Sought his daughter at great speed
And the whistling gypsy rover.

4. He came at last to a mansion fine,
Down by the river Claydee
And there was music and there was wine,
For the gypsy and his lady.

5. "He is no gypsy, my father" she said
"But lord of these lands all over,
And I shall stay 'til my dying day
With my whistling gypsy rover."

Learned at Camp Nitimus (spel?) 1962. Later
learned that it came from the singing of the
Clancy Brothers, and is a variation of a Child
ballad. DC

Child #200

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About 'Gypsy Rover'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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