Hey Robin, Jolly Robin
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Hey Robin, Jolly Robin

Hey Robin, Jolly Robin

Hey Robin, jolly Robin, tell me how thy Lady does.
Hey Robin, jolly Robin, tell me how thy Lady does.

Ay Robin, jolly Robin, tell me how thy leman doeth
Hey Robin, jolly Robin, and thou shalt know of mine.

My lady is unkind perde, alack why is she so?
She loveth another better than me, and yet she will say no.

I find no such doubleness, I find women true
My lady loveth me doubtless and will change for no new.

Thou art happy while that doth last but I say as I find,
That women's love is but a blast and turneth with the wind.

Note: quoted in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, Act IV Scene 2.
Words by Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542); set to music by
Wm. Cornyshe sometime during reign of Henry VIII.


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About 'Hey Robin, Jolly Robin'

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Traditional Music of unknown author.

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