Gaetano Errico Pennino - 'O surdato 'nnamurato
Free Sheet music for Soprano (Descant) Recorder

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Arrangements of this piece also available for:
  • Bassoon
  • Cello
  • Clarinet
  • Flute
  • French Horn
  • Oboe
  • Piano
  • Saxophone (Alto)
  • Tenor Saxophone
  • Tenor Voice
  • Trombone
  • Trumpet
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About ''O surdato 'nnamurato'

Staje luntana da stu core
E te volo cu o penziero:
Niente voglio e niente spero
Ca tenerte sempre affianco a me!
Si sicura e chistammore
Commi so sicuro e te...
Oje vita, oje vita mia
Oje core e chistu core
Si stata o primmo ammore:
E o primmo e llrdemo sarraje pe me!

Quanta notte nun te veco,
nun te sento int a sti bbracce,
nun te vaso chesta faccia,
nun tastregno forte mbraccio a me?
Ma, scetnnome a sti suonne,
me faje chiagnere pe te...

Oje vita, oje vita mia,
oje core e chistu core,
si stata o primmo ammore:
e o primmo e llrdemo sarraje pe me!

Scrive sempe e sta contenta:
io nun penzo che a te sola,
nu pensiero mme cunzola:
ca tu pienze sulamente a me...
A cchi bella e tutt e bbelle
nun maje cchi bella e te!

Oje vita, oje vita mia,
oje core e chistu core,
si stata o primmo ammore:
e o primmo e llrdemo sarraje pe me!
Score Key:
F major (Sounding Pitch) (View more F major Music for Recorder )
Time Signature:
2/4 (View more 2/4 Music)
Tempo Marking:
Number of Pages:
Intermediate Level: Recommended for Intermediate Level players
© Copyright 2000-2024 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (

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