Maid on the Shore (2)
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
Maid on the Shore (2)

The Maid on the Shore 2
There was a fair damsel all crossed in love
And she fell very deep in despair
All the way she could find to ease her sad mind
Was to walk all along on the shore
O, the shore, to walk all along on the shore.
There was a sea-captain who sailed the seas 'round
And he fell very deep into love-o
"I'll die, I'll die!" the sea-captain cried
"If l can't get that maid on the shore,
O the shore, if l can't get that maid on the shore"
"Your captain has jewels and your captain has gold
And your captain has costly array-o
All these he'll give to his jolly seamen
If they'll bring him that maid on the shore,
O the shore, if they'll bring him that maid on the shore."
"Our captain has jewels, and our captain has gold.
And our captain has costly array-o
All these he'll give, and we'll please it we can
And we'll bring him that maid on the shore,
O, the shore, we'll bring him that maid on the shore."
After much persuasion on board she did come
And the captain he set her a chair-o
He invited her down to his cabin below
Singing, "Farewell, sorrow and care,
O care, farewell, sorrow and care."
"I'll sing you a song if you all think it best"
And how she made them all stare-o
She sang it so sweet, so neat and complete
That she sang all the seamen asleep,
O asleep, sang all the seamen asleep.
She robbed them of jewels, she robbed them of gold
She robbed them of costly array-o
Of the captain's broadsword, she made her an oar
And she paddled her boat to the shore
O, the shore, she paddled her boat to the shore.
"Oh, were my men sleeping, or were my men mad
Or were they sank in despair-o?
She deluded my men and myself also
And again she's a maid on the shore,
O, the shore, again she's a maid on the shore."
"Your men were not sleeping, your men were not mad
Nor were they sank in despair-o
l deluded your men and yourself also
And again I'm a maid on the shore,
O, the shore, again I'm a maid on the shore..'
Child #43
Laws K27
tune "MAIDSH3R" from Songs the Whalemen Sang, Huntington
play.exe MAIDSH3R
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