Shady Grove
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Shady Grove

Shady Grove

Shady grove my little love
Shady grove I say
Shady grove my little love
Bound for shady grove

Wish I was in shady grove
Sittin in a rockin chair
And if those blues would bother me
I'd rock away from there

Had a banjo made of gold
Every string would shine
The only song that it would play
Wish that girl was mine

When I was in shady grove
Heard them pretty birds sing
The next time I go to shady grove
Take along a diamond ring

When you go to catch a fish
Fish with a hook and line
When you go to court a girl
Never look behind

When I was a little boy
All I wanted was a knife
Now I am a great big boy
I'm lookin for a wife


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About 'Shady Grove'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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