I Want a Girl
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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I Want a Girl

I Want a Girl (Just Like the Girl)
(Harry Von Tilzer, William Dillon)

When I was a boy my mother often said to me,
Get married boy and see,
How happy you will be.
I have looked all over, but no girlie can I find,
Who seems to be just like the little girl I have in mind.
I will have to look around
Until the right one I have found:

cho: I want a girl
Just like the girl who married dear old Dad.
She was a pearl
And the only girl that Daddy ever had;
A real old fashioned girl with heart so true,
One who loves nobody else but you,
Oh I want a girl
Just like the girl that married dear old Dad.

By the old mill stream there sits a couple old and gray
Thgough years have rolled away
Their hearts are young today.
Mother Dear looks up at Dad with love light in her eye
He steals a kiss, a fond embrace
While evening breezes sigh,
They're as happy as can be,
So that's the kind of love for me,

The chorus, at least, is an eternal ode to the Oedipus complex. RG

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About 'I Want a Girl'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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