Cornish Wassail Song
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Cornish Wassail Song

Cornish Wassail

Now Christmas is comen and New Year begin
Pray open your doors and let us come in

With our wassail, wassail, wassail, wassail
And joy come with our jolly wassail

O Master and Mistress sitting down by the fire
While we poor wassail boys are traveling the mire

This ancient house we will kindly salute
It is an old custom you need not dispute

We are here in this place, orderly we stand
We're the jolly wassail boys with a bowl in our hands

We hope that your apple trees will prosper and bear
And bring forth good cider when we come next year
We hope that your barley will prosper and grow
That you may have plenty and some to bestow

Good Mistress and Master how can you forbear
Come fill up out bowl with cider or beer

Good Mistress and Master sitting down at your ease
Put your hands in your pockets and give what you please

I wish you a blessing and a long time to live
Since you've been so free and willing to give


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About 'Cornish Wassail Song'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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