Wild Women Don't Have the Blues
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Wild Women Don't Have the Blues

Wild Women Don't Get the Blues
(Ida Cox)

Well, I hear you women talkin' 'bout your monkey men,
About yo' no 'count husbands and their triflin' friends.
Peaceful women sit around all day and moan.
They're wonderin' why their wanderin' papas don't come home.
But wild women don't worry, wild women never get the blues.

Well, if you got a man, don't be on the square,
'Cause if you do, he'll have a woman everywhere.
I nevcr have been known to treat no one man right.
I keeps 'em workin' hard both the day and night.
'Cause wild women don't worry, wild women never get the blues.

Well, I got a dlsposition, got a way of my own,
If you don't like it, baby, you can find another home.
I get full of good liquor, walk the streets at night,
Come home and puts my man out if he don't do right.
'Cause wild women don't worry, wild women never get the blues.

Well I got a disposition, got a way of my own
If you don't like it, baby, you can find another home.
i get full of Courvolsier walk the streets at night,
Come home and puts my man out if he don't get it up right.
'Cause wild women don't worry, wild women never get the blues.

Well, you never get nothin' by bein' an angel child
You better change your ways, and then you'll get real wild.
I'm gonna tell you somethin' wouldn't tell you no lie.
Wild women are the only kind that really get by.
'Cause wild women don't worry, wild women never get the blues.

spoken: Believe it if you want to.

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About 'Wild Women Don't Have the Blues'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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