is this a good flute

is this a good flute    00:30 on Friday, May 25, 2007          

(26 points)
Posted by hotpinkbabe1016

okay well i have been using my flute for a little over a year it used to be my cousins....she played it onece and put it in her closet and then i got it about 5 yrs is a king are those good flutes? [i used to rent my flute before i got this one]

Re: is this a good flute    01:50 on Friday, May 25, 2007          

(1545 points)
Posted by Flutist06

Kings are pretty much basic student models. What condition it's in may dictate whether it's worth trying to use (they're not worth much, and extensive repairs wouldn't make much economic sense). In answer to your other post, which just included a link, off brands (and non-branded) of flutes are not quality instruments and should be avoided. We recently listed all the reasons why in a different thread, so a bit of research (back no more than about a week) should help you understand why, but if you intend to do more than decorate with it, don't buy that instrument.

Re: is this a good flute    15:13 on Sunday, May 27, 2007          

(1545 points)
Posted by Flutist06

Why take a free flute if it's a piece of junk? Then it's your responsibility to either keep it (which means supplying storage space), or find a way to dispose of it. As for upgrading in a year, where did that come from? The OP never mentioned upgrading a year from now, and it's impossible to say that after X number of years of playing it's time for an upgrade....Things just don't work that way.


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