
Fb    13:15 on Sunday, July 8, 2007          

(178 points)
Posted by schoolbandgeek1

i was just wondering, is Fb the same thing as E natural? on my sheet music it shows up and on one of my earlier topics, patrick said i would never see it. well it's on the top line of the staff with a flat accidental on it.


same with Cb. is Cb the same thing as B natural? just wanted to know!

Thanks a million,

Re: Fb    13:25 on Sunday, July 8, 2007          

(92 points)
Posted by bildio

Both use the same fingering.

Re: Fb    13:26 on Sunday, July 8, 2007          

(178 points)
Posted by schoolbandgeek1

thanks because i have a piece of music with that in the melody and i have to have them momorised by tuesday

Re: Fb    18:17 on Wednesday, August 1, 2007          

Account Closed
(394 points)
Posted by Account Closed

My flute teacher and my piano teacher well, and for that matter my band teacher, and even my college professors said they are NOT the same note. I puzzled over that for quite some time. On the keyboard my finger hits the same note, and when I play flute, my fingers are covering the same holes or keys. Everything physically is the same except on the music ledger lines, and in your brain. AH, here is the core of it. The brain, it must think differently.

Let's talk about a G#. Is that the same thing as an A-flat? Nope it is not. It all keeps you focused on the key you are playing in. If you start thinking a C-Flat is a B, then you might start forgetting there is also an A-flat in the key, and start making more mistakes. It's written in music to help keep the person playing from making other mistakes, and stays to the topic of the key you are playing in. So the answer no it is not the same thing, for sight reading and for the human brain we talk about these situations to aid in playing ALL the notes correctly.


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