Playing C below the staff

Playing C below the staff    20:07 on Saturday, October 20, 2007          

(6 points)
Posted by mary2008

I have an audition coming up, in which I need to play a three octave chromatic scale. I have played it for past auditions, and my C below the staff never seems to come out when starting from the low notes and working my way up. Does anyone have any advice as to how to make this note come out better? Thank you!

Re: Playing C below the staff    20:13 on Saturday, October 20, 2007          

Account Closed
(3248 points)
Posted by Account Closed

The first thing I would check is to see if it is leaking. If that is not the case, practice your long tones. Take your time with them and be patient. Also, if you are playing on an open hole flute, make sure that you are able to reach that C and still cover the holes. I have to plug my last hole because of that. If you need a practice sheet for the long tones, let me know and I can email some to you.


One more thing, try being very flexible with your embouchure and experiment a little with it. You don't want to have a too tight of embouchure or a smiley type either.

Re: Playing C below the staff    20:23 on Saturday, October 20, 2007          

(6 points)
Posted by mary2008

In response to the idea of a leak, I took a closer look at my instrument. I then noticed that the spring for my low C key had somehow gotten popped out of place. When I adjusted it with a screwdriver, it seemed to fix the problem. Thanks! I'm so glad it was a horn problem and not a "me" problem!

Re: Playing C below the staff    20:35 on Saturday, October 20, 2007          

Account Closed
(3248 points)
Posted by Account Closed

Oh that is good! Still, long tones in really helps in the lower register especially so if he haven't been practicing them, then you may think about that too.


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