Multiple voices in flute pieces

Multiple voices in flute pieces    00:00 on Tuesday, May 27, 2008          

(26 points)
Posted by Bo7


I have been playing the flute for 14 months now.

Occasionally, I have found pieces for flute with two voices, and I don't understand how one can play two voices simultaneously in a flute piece.

Can anybody explain this to me please?


Re: Multiple voices in flute pieces    17:41 on Tuesday, May 27, 2008          

(26 points)
Posted by Bo7


Thanks for the reply.
I put two scanned files here:, if you want to have a look.
The scans are not very good, but you can still see the problematic passages (circled in red).
One exercise is even supposed to be an exercise of sustaining notes??


Re: Multiple voices in flute pieces    22:42 on Tuesday, May 27, 2008          

(26 points)
Posted by Bo7

Thanks! That was very useful.

Yes, a teacher would be great, but I don't have much money at the moment... I do want to buy a better flute maybe in a couple of years or so though, something intermediate, although the flute I have is not that bad.

I had sort of guessed the second one, the one with the trill, but I played it with "interruptions", not really smoothly, and it didn't sound that good. I have to practice that!

Soon after, I found another trill, also for the duration of the whole measure (3/4), the second voice being a quarter rest, then four eight-notes. Not sure about this one without interrupting the trill after the first quarter...

I just had a look at the button "Add melody" above. That's really cool. That's how you added the passage I guess.

I also tried to give you a thumb up for your reply, but it told me I had to log in or register, although I am logged in... Will try again later...


Re: Multiple voices in flute pieces    22:44 on Tuesday, May 27, 2008          

(26 points)
Posted by Bo7

I managed to give you the thumb up...

Re: Multiple voices in flute pieces    13:01 on Wednesday, May 28, 2008          

(26 points)
Posted by Bo7

Thanks, I will look at the series on YouTube you mention. I did search for videos when I was unsure how something had to be done, but a whole series by such an accomplished flutist is definitely better.
I also have several books.

Although I will wait another year or so, which intermediate to advanced flute would you recommend, and why? What I find really difficult is that usually they don't let you try them out, and I haven't found samples on the Yamaha website or other websites of flute manufacturers for example.


Re: Multiple voices in flute pieces    14:52 on Wednesday, May 28, 2008          

(26 points)
Posted by Bo7

This is my flute by the way:
Not bad for the price and as a first flute, but not a professional one.
I don't think it is a known brand outside Australia and the UK.
I cannot find any demonstrations of this flute on the net. A little bit brighter than professional flutes I would say.


... And no B foot....

Re: Multiple voices in flute pieces    19:39 on Thursday, May 29, 2008          

(26 points)
Posted by Bo7

I started by writing flute music too - with Sibelius or Finale, then I couldn't resist the temptation to buy a real flute.
Don't worry, it was just an informal question. I will start a thread when I am really ready to buy a new flute...

I did find a low B in a flute piece, but it had a B up an octave in brackets, indicating if you don't have a B foot, you can play the B up an octave. Nice option.


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