Damaged Flute.. What to do?
Damaged Flute.. What to do?
16:03 on Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Re: Damaged Flute.. What to do?
18:25 on Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Re: Damaged Flute.. What to do?
11:49 on Thursday, June 3, 2010
Re: Damaged Flute.. What to do?
12:08 on Thursday, June 3, 2010
 DaveandKateplus1 4
Posted by DaveandKateplus14
Was the flute on the floor or something? I only ask because you said a kid fell on it. If it was being held or on her lap like it should be when not being played, then he must have done some trip! You could have it fixed, but I agree with the others, it will never be the same again. This is why it is so important to educate all flutists on the ever proper procedure to take when caring for your flute. It will prevent costly repairs such as this. Personally, if possibly money wise, I would try to get her a nice second hand refurbished Yamaha. You can find them from sellers that have them ready to play condition and just about like new instead of paying the $800 for a new one. I also like Jupiters a lot. I would advise to stay away from any Gemeinhardts, Armstrongs, Artley, or any of the Chinese made off brand flutes being sold on ebay. Good luck!
Re: Damaged Flute.. What to do?
13:02 on Thursday, June 3, 2010
 sc00b3rt (2 points)
"Was the flute on the floor or something? I only ask because you said a kid fell on it. If it was being held or on her lap like it should be when not being played, then he must have done some trip!"
She put it under her chair on her books while she went to turn in some papers. Dumb.. I KNOW. She in her mind thought it was a safe place (under the chair out of the walkway). Can't walk with the instruments (some kid just fell and damaged his instrument, although the school advocated that she carry her instrument with her when she moved around the room). I told her to put the darn thing back in the case, because even if the kid broke the case the likelihood of the flute being damaged in addition would be highly unlikely. A case is cheap.. a flute not so much.
The kids behind her started to mess around. One kid pushed the other kids chair forward really hard. The kid flew out of his chair, hit my daughters chair. PUshed it forward (hitting the kid in front of her). In the process he hit the kids sitting next to her chair (bruised pretty badly). Not only damaged my daughters flute, but the case, her music books, and broke her practice CD in half.
So all three parents (the kid who pushed, the kid who fell, and myself) have agreed to pay equally to get the flute repaired/replaced.
I just wanted to know what the best route would be to replace, repair or piece it back together. Thanks..
Re: Damaged Flute.. What to do?
13:30 on Thursday, June 3, 2010
Re: Damaged Flute.. What to do?
16:45 on Thursday, June 3, 2010
Re: Damaged Flute.. What to do?
20:59 on Thursday, June 3, 2010