Just a small Flute Problem!

Just a small Flute Problem!    12:03 on Monday, January 3, 2011          

(157 points)
Posted by Pyface

My flute is quite new, just bought it in the summer, but when the key covering the Bb hole and the key covering the hole above the F key lift after being pressed it makes a little click-y sort of sound. Not an actual click, but a funny 'tzip'. I know it's only minor, but it's very irritating and I wondered whether anyone knew how to stop it.

Re: Just a small Flute Problem!    17:07 on Monday, January 3, 2011          

(89 points)
Posted by goldenflute

Take it to a technician. It sounds like a simple adjustment problem with a quick fix, but if you don't know what you're doing, you could make it far worse ... and more costly in the end!

Re: Just a small Flute Problem!    20:43 on Monday, January 3, 2011          

(247 points)
Posted by jim22

Is it comming from the mechanism, or is it a sticky pad? If it's a sticky pad, it makes I sound as the pad lifts off the tonehole. A technician could easily solve it. I have had some success using a sheet of cigarette paper inserted between the pad and tonehole. Try it dry and press the key down on it a few times. Don't drag the paper between them. If that doesn't solve it, you can try dampening the paper in rubbing alcohol, but don't soak the pad and do use a dry paper right away to dry the pad surface. Ultimately, a tech can change the pad if necessary.



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