When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy

When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy    05:33 on Tuesday, July 5, 2011          

(5 points)
Posted by Shifty_Asian

I recently got a new flute as i am in grade 6 ameb and i have noticed everytime i use the microfiber cloth that came with my altus, it leaves behind scratches that can be seen in the light. I am not happy about this as the flutes sound is extremely good,m but i want to keep my flute in the best possible condition i can. Any ideas?

PS: i wiped the flute extremely softly

Re: When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy    03:15 on Wednesday, July 6, 2011          

(5 points)
Posted by Shifty_Asian

Also, if this is norma, as i said, that these aren't like deep scratches, but on the surface scratches

Re: When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy    15:42 on Friday, July 8, 2011          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

If you notice bad effects with the microfiber cloth, simply stop using it. A soft cotton cloth can do the job with less risks to the flute finish

Re: When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy    20:35 on Friday, July 8, 2011          

(8 points)
Posted by Aarin1981

Is your flute by chance silver plated? I've seen this occur on silver plated flutes in the past. However, I would not have expected this problem to occur on an Altus flute, as they have a reputation for using high quality silver, whether it be plated or solid silver. I would contact Altus and order one of their microfiber cloths. There are many cleaning cloths on the market to choose from, but I would recommend sticking with the products of the maker. Quality for quality. I get my microfiber cloths from Brannen and they are the best that I've seen. I think they are 15 bucks.

Silver is a soft, impressionable metal. You will notice these micro-scratches fade and reappear time and time again on some flutes. You can use a tarnish cloth with a very light powdered chemical a few times a year, but I would not recommend using one if you have a silver plated flute. J L Smith has a really good tarnish cloth for purchase. They also have a paste called Simichrome polish that will remedy this problem, though I have never been brave enough to try it on my flute. Us guy flute players all have the same problem with facial hair scuffing up the lip plate. I have wondered if the Simichrome would be a good alternative to having my repairman buffing out the scratches from the lip plate, as I know he is removing a very thin layer of silver each time!

Re: When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy    06:06 on Wednesday, July 13, 2011          

(5 points)
Posted by Shifty_Asian

It has a solid silver head (britannia silver) and the rest is silver plated, although the scratches are also on the head. As i said, the scratches cannot be seen, unless it is under the light. I am using the cloth that came with the altus. Am i just being paranoid? Or is this actually normal, to have very light scratches.i will try the solutions provided first though as it is not getting any better.

Re: When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy    08:47 on Wednesday, July 13, 2011          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

Those scratches do not affect the flute in any way. But do not use any powder product on it or even tarnish cloth it it is not really tarnished. Just wipe it with a soft cotton cloth after using it and leave the microfiber cloth for the future, if you ever need some deeper polishing.

Re: When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy    19:01 on Wednesday, July 13, 2011          

(8 points)
Posted by Aarin1981

A tarnish cloth will remove an extremely small layer of silver (on a molecular level). This is why they must be used sparingly. But, I agree. The swirly scratches will not affect the quality of the instrument in any way. Best to stick with the Altus microfiber cloth. It is dents that you have to worry about, which unfortunately we have no special cloth for

One thing that I should have mentioned. Even under super bright lights such as the blazing "heat lamps" that one is often times required to sit under during a performance in a concert hall, I have noticed swirlies on my flute. I suppose it's just the nature of a precious metal. I guess we all just get use to it at some point.

Re: When i wipe my flute it scratches really easy    06:21 on Thursday, July 14, 2011          

(5 points)
Posted by Shifty_Asian

Thanks for the help guys, i think im just going to have to get over it. I was just a little paranoid as it was brand new!!!


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