
Questions    21:20 on Sunday, January 18, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

In Mozart`s Concerto In G Major what is the approximate tempo? I`m playing it at 92 right now so I know I need a lot of work.

My other question is that I can only play for about 4 measures or so. Where would the best place to breathe in this song? Whenever I breathe it sounds like it is in the middle of a phrase.

Re: Questions    01:59 on Wednesday, February 4, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Okay. Here we go.....

The ideal tempo for a Mozart concerto is 120, but with so many fast notes, it`s not realistic. An acceptable tempo is 112, but 108 will do. Some people can pull off 104, but that`s tough, people catch on.

On the matter of breathing: the faster you go, the farther you can go without a breath. Four measures is reasonable in the beginning phrases. It`s really tough to explain where to breath with words, my music doesn`t have measure numbers, only letters, and they`re not the same from version to version. As a rule of thumb, if you have a long note tied to an eight or a sixteenth, followed by eights or sixteenths, that`s a good place to breath. Also, when you change octives (such as 2 after E, in my music, the 1st movement). Sometimes, you`ll need to cheat some of the notes out of their value, simply in order to breath and maintain the phrase. I`m not really sure what to tell you, look at the music and see where the piano part is covering you, as well as what feels comfortable.

Happy Fluting!


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