Does ayone know any good solos 4 solo/ensemble?

Does ayone know any good solos 4 solo/ensemble?    12:23 on Saturday, January 29, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I`m in the 7th grade and and at an intermedite level(5/10)

Re: Does ayone know any good solos 4 solo/ensemble?    15:35 on Saturday, January 29, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I did:

1. a solo called Bergamask in i think 8th grade FOR solo festival with piano accomp published I believe by Rubank however the level says 2 1/2 but every where I look these rating systems differ.

2. In high school i think it was level 4 I played Scherzino by Joachim Anderson in the book 24 Short concert pieces with piano. That was fun it shows your technical style and then has a short slow area to show your nice tone well.

4. I played a song called Danse De La Chevre by Honneger in a small performance that is different than other peices but i think works great. NO accompianament however I don`t know if it`s a requirment for you. And the last note you see a low below staff c and middle staff c and you play it by fingering below staff c but raising the pitch like your playing both the notes and decrescendo it`s really neat!

3. I`ve also in high school played Teleman`s sonata in C minor with piano which was nice. The sonata in A minor is nice as well. I was also infromed by the judge "i didn`t have to play all the movements" but she complimented me and she looked sincere so whatever it`s your choice good luck!

I loved Solo festival until my director stoped going my last 2 years in high school and then wouldn`t let us wear our medals we earned in marching band which they did for years because he didn`t want the other kids to get upset or feel they didn`t acheive anything and to show uniformity. I see his point though!


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