Re: I want to learn how to play Clarnet Is It Hard To Learn All The Buttons??

Re: I want to learn how to play Clarnet Is It Hard To Learn All The Buttons??    15:29 on Friday, March 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve been a trumpet player for a little over 34 years. I can say, since I`ve also learned to play the bass guitar, drums, keyboard, flute, piano and organ, that the secret to learning how to play an instrument is two-fold - lots of practice and lots of patience. The reason most people never learn to play is because they don`t discipline themselves to practice EVERY DAY and they don`t have the patience to stick with it long term.
Learning to play any instrument takes time. However, I can say that beinga musician and being able to play my music before an audience is one of the most fun and rewarding things I`ve ever done. I`ve played with several bands, both in the jazz/rock venue, as well as a large concert band, in which we had over 100 members! Don`t give up. Just work hard and remember it takes time and effort. It`s completely up to you!!

LOL    21:56 on Friday, March 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

NO! the buttons are so easy... (well, the accidentals take a bit to memorize)

if anything, i`d say trumpet fingerings are harder to figure out. clarinet fingerings just go up finger by finger (with the exception of switching registers,whciih you`ll get the hang of anyways) all the way into altissimo. which is your first 3 (and main) octaves...

OH    21:59 on Friday, March 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

if you want a challenge...

play the bassoon. only mainstream insturment where all 10 fingers are needed. heh. around 12 or so thumb keys... sitll not as complicated as it sounds, but it`s still a challenge compared to the clarinet. (i would know) except jumping registers is easier on the bassoon; the register key on the clarinet messes me up b/c it makes me do jerky movements. i don`t have that on the bassoon.


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