Trouble with the A Key

Trouble with the A Key    22:20 on Tuesday, September 16, 2008          

(1 point)
Posted by Clazziquai

Recently while I was practicing, my clarinet slipped from my hands (incredibly stupid, I know) and crashed vertically onto the hard floor. Only moments later, after having not been put on a stand, it fell horizontally, as well. With all the beating it took, I wasn't surprised to find later that my middle A key was terribly restricted in movement and created a puffy tone closer to a G flat. I've tried to tighten the screws, but found that there was something missing between the perpendicular intersection of the A and G flat key, underneath where the screw on the G flat key should be. I want to know:

1. What was missing between the keys
2. How big of a problem is this?

If it helps, I'm playing on a Selmer with an already limited range of motion in the A key. Thanks so much for any help you can offer!

Re: Trouble with the A Key    12:43 on Thursday, September 18, 2008          

(471 points)
Posted by leighthesim

i'd take it to a technition as ask them to look at it and they can diagnose the problem then give you a quote to get it fixed

Re: Trouble with the A Key    14:26 on Thursday, September 18, 2008          

(925 points)
Posted by tenorsaxist

leigthesim (spelling?) has a great point. Any serious musician would get it fixed, however, if you can still play your clarinet, and are playing it in the band just for fun, then perhaps you will be fine.

Re: Trouble with the A Key    19:20 on Thursday, September 18, 2008          

(903 points)
Posted by Canadian

Tightening the screws fully can be a bad thing, some of those screws are adjustment screws and are not supposed ti be in fully.

Re: Trouble with the A Key    20:24 on Thursday, November 13, 2008          

(6 points)
Posted by Ange2000

I found that out to my detriment the morning of a concert (I am second year clarinet). I found a screwdriver and thought it would be a great idea to tighten my screws. Unfortunately the whole thing went out of tune, especially the A, and my lower keys were all playing high notes!! Luckily I went home, unscrewed them all again and managed to get it pretty much right. Talk about give myself a heart attack!!

Re: Trouble with the A Key    20:25 on Thursday, November 13, 2008          

(6 points)
Posted by Ange2000

Can you compare your clarinet with someone elses to see if all the things are in the right place? I would definitely get it looked at. It might cost a bit, but perhaps you could combine it with a service, which will mean you won't need to get that done for some time to come. Good luck.

Re: Trouble with the A Key    02:08 on Friday, November 14, 2008          

(771 points)
Posted by contra448

Sounds like the G# key got bent - get a tech to sort it.


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