23:46 on Saturday, January 31, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hey my name is chris and i play the clarinet im 14 i have been playing it for 4 pretty good at but im hoping to be playing the oboe soon. i was just wondering if there any1 else out there that shares my same intrest in playing the oboe.....thanks

Re:    04:59 on Sunday, February 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Yeah, I do. I`ve been playing the clarinet for almost 11 years, and I want to take up the oboe too as soon as I can afford to buy one. (Which won`t be soon, I just bought a violin.)

Re:    05:02 on Sunday, February 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Also, if anyone tries to tell you that it will damage your embouchure or anything like that, go to, and read the "Playing multiple instruments" thread that I started. The advice there is from PROFESSIONAL musicians, not schoolchildren.

Re:    09:31 on Sunday, February 1, 2004          
(The Mad Hacker)
Posted by Archived posts

im 14 too and i love playing the clarinet

Re:    10:20 on Sunday, February 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I play flute, clarinet and oboe at the same time. I have a lot of fun with my friends. I want to be a band director in the near future.

Re:    11:22 on Sunday, February 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I`m 15 and I`ve been playing the oboe for 4 years. I just recently "picked up" clarinet b/c my sister just got one and needs to learn how to play it. I`m teaching her (which seems stupid for my mom to chose me, an oboist, to teach clarinet) which means that I have to learn stuff first. I was just wondering though, is your vibrato done from the diaphragm or you mouth? I know sax vibrato is done with the mouth, and I can already do clarinet vibrato with my mouth, so I was just wondering if I was doing it right. Thanks
p.s. anyone who plays, what notes are the best to actually learn rythms with for clarinet, i.e. which notes are most important for beginners?

Re:    19:45 on Saturday, February 7, 2004          
(Clar Playrt)
Posted by Archived posts

The First notes you should learn on the Clar. are C, D, E, and F. After that, go to G, A, and B flat. Once those are mastered, go to the lower keys, then the upper register.

Re:    09:32 on Sunday, February 8, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

okay, just one question...why do the F and G sound so airy??? when i play none of the other notes sound like that. good way to practice, diff embouchure for that note??? okay so maybe it was more than 1 question


Re:    00:13 on Thursday, February 12, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey, I`m fourteen too and I`ve been playing since the 5th grade. I learned several instruemnts and I currently play oboe and clarinet for my school`s symphonic band. I found oboe to be quite easy to play since I`m used to reed instruments. A lot of the fingerings on the oboe are similar to flute, so that also helped when learning. Just don`t give up and you`ll do fine!

Re:    09:59 on Sunday, April 25, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I began playing the clarinet, but switched to the oboe. Now I am learning the clarinet again.

You will love the oboe.

Re:    13:16 on Sunday, April 25, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

the reason why G, A, A flat, B, and sometime F and F# sound airy is because these are the throat tones. they are the most open notes on the clarinet, which means the air doens`t have to travel down the instrument as far. with all the above notes except F and F#, when playing them always keep your right hand plus your right pinkie down over the holes, and use more air and better support. this will make these notes sound better. plus its easier to switch from say an A to a B natural if your right hand is down anyway. it is a little hard to get used to but once you get it is will be easier. E-mail me or talk to me aim- CropCircleradr07 if you are still having troubles. hope i helped


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