What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?

What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    16:31 on Thursday, March 4, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve been playing my plastic Kohlert 5119 for 4 years and I`ve been thinking about getting a wooden clarinet. What`s the difference between the two and what would be the best choices?

Re: What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    12:32 on Monday, March 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I would say that the main difference is that a wooden clarinet generally has a better tone. I say generally because it depends on the player at times. If you are thinking about playing clarinet long-term, then, most definitely invest in a wooden clarinet. They don`t take much more time to keep in good condition, but you do need to be more careful in what weather conditions they are exposed to. Perhaps a humidifier or something will help. I don`t know. I`ve never used one because I live in "sunny" California. (I don`t get that nickname...it gets cold here..it does snow in CA). Wood does swell and get smaller in different weather temperatures. I find that my Buffet E-11 is a good clarinet, but the metal they use or something is not good with glues that repairmen use for putting corks back on. They`ve fallen off quite often. I would recommend not getting that model if you do go Buffet. Also, I found the keys on my E-11 were smaller than my old plastic rental (EM Winston Boston, or something like that), but mainly the top one on the upper joint. Overall, if you enjoy clarinet and are considering to continue playing for a while, then investing in a good wooden clarinet is a good choice.
P.S. e-mail me if you have anymore questions.

Re: What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    20:32 on Monday, March 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hi my name is ashely and i am from Siegel High school in tennessee. I am a freshman and in the syphonic band. During band camp i got my wooden clarinet and u would not believe the sound difference. it is remarkable i have not picked up my plastic one since. if u would like to talk email me.

Re: What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    08:09 on Friday, March 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

As much as I like the sound of a wooden clarinet, I always wondered if there are plastic ones that sound good. Can a plastic clarinet sound good in the hands of an experienced player?

Re: What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    09:55 on Friday, March 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

A wooden clarinets always sounds better than a plastic ones. All clarinet makers, like Buffet, Leblanc put much more effort, resources and skills in making the wooden clarinet than the plastic ones. The bore design, tone holes, keyworks etc. of a wooden clarinet is always on top of the the plastic ones.

If Buffet uses the same craftsmanship, technic and keyworks etc to produce a plastic R13 instead of a wooden R13, no one can find significant difference between them.
However, the cost of that plastic R13 would be about the same as the traditional wooden R13.

Re: What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    21:04 on Friday, March 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Of course a plastic clarinet can be made to sound good. A good player can get a decent sound out of any instrument. (Within reason, that is, if it had huge chips out of it and pads missing it might be a bit hard to get a decent sound )

Re: What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    17:56 on Saturday, April 3, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I live in canada im 11 years old and i really like playing the clarinet my parents and i are thinking about getting one and iw anted to know wich would be better for a student (beacuse i am thinking of playing the clarinet for a while)a wooden clarinet or a plastic one

Re: What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    05:31 on Wednesday, April 7, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

a wooden one is usually older and sounds a lot nicer

Re: What`s the difference between a wooden clarinet and a plastic one?    22:12 on Wednesday, April 7, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Wood clarinets are made every single day. It has nothing to do with being older.


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